The "so called Christian" leadership in America has left me wondering; who can I trust? It seems that if a teacher puts out a book or has a successful TV ministry they are safe. We have popular teachers like Joel Osteen will not say that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Rick Warren and T.D. Jakes who endorses Homosexuality. The Christian Book stores are riddled with false teaching, and anything that teaches "Die to myself" or "Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Repentance." Is considered non tolerant, and therefore is not promoted. I believe America as a great majority has strayed away from the core tenants of Christianity, and we need a great awaking and call to repentance. Oh that God would have mercy on this nation that we could turn from our ways and come back to him.
From Larry King Live: True or False
Here is manuscript of a conversation between Joel Osteen and Larry King. Osteen denies the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice, he praises the pagan, false-religion of India as "I know they love God." I pray the Lord will give his followers discernment to see the deception.
On Larry King Live, the following very disturbing conversation occurred with Larry King and Joel Osteen:
KING: What if you're Jewish or Muslim, you don't accept Christ at all?
OSTEEN: You know, I'm very careful about saying who would and wouldn't go to heaven. I don't know ...
At this point, even Larry King appears surprised by Osteen’s answer. Then Larry tosses Osteen a "soft-ball" to explain his previous answer. And again Osteen openly denies that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way of salvation.
KING: If you believe you have to believe in Christ? They're wrong, aren't they?
OSTEEN: Well, I don't know if I believe they're wrong. I believe here's what the Bible teaches and from the Christian faith this is what I believe. But I just think that only God will judge a person's heart. I spent a lot of time in India with my father. I don't know all about their religion. But I know they love God. And I don't know. I've seen their sincerity. So I don't know. I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus.
What about Rick Warren; is he safe? He does not speak out on things like Gay Marriage or abortion. He also is a supporter of the "universal" or "emergent church". Many in the "emerging" and "Emergent church" movements also state their intention to transcend the divisive issues like abortion and homosexuality, which Rich Warren Supports. The web site quoted Warren saying:
“I was trying to point out I’m not opposed to gays having their partnership. I’m opposed to gays using the term marriage for their relationship.” - Rick Warren
I believe his fence sitting answers leave the Christian mind wondering "what is truth."
Another name on the shelf that I have seen at my local grocery store is T.D. Jakes. Before I posted this I was thinking, not T.D., but the spirit of Universalism has over taken him as well. In a sermon Jakes says that Ruth and Naomi were lesbians.
“Ruth turns to Naomi and says “I shall not leave thee.” She makes her statement to this woman…that sounds somewhat, somewhere in between poetry, intimacy, and borders on lesbianism. People don’t even know how to explain what Ruth said to Naomi. It makes them uncomfortable. They’re afraid to talk about it. They don’t want to teach on it. Same thing with David and Jonathan…where there were same-sex relationships getting too close, people don’t even know what to say.” T.D. Jakes
These are just a few teachers to name a few. I know there are more out there. Unfortunately friends I believe we need to be on our guard against all that is put before us in the name of Christianity. Look at Paul's warning to Timothy "2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. Has America turned it's ears away from the truth and turned to myths? Read on.
Read This: Taken from Al Mohler
As Cathy Lynn Grossman of USA Today reports:
Most American religious believers, including most Christians, say eternal life is not exclusively for those who accept Christ as their savior, a new survey finds.
Of the 65% of people who held this open view of heaven's gates, 80% named at least one non-Christian group - Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists or people with no religion at all- who may also be saved, according to a new survey released today by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.
"When 34% of evangelicals reject the truth that Jesus is the only Savior, we are witnessing a virtual collapse of evangelical theology. There is also additional cause for concern. As Cathy Lynn Grossman reports, "Pew's new survey also found that many Christians (29%) say they are saved by their good actions; 30% say salvation is through belief in Jesus, God or a higher power alone, which is the core teaching of evangelical Protestantism; and 10% say salvation is found through a combination of behavior and belief, a view closer to Catholic teachings."
Only preaching of the "True Gospel of Jesus Christ" can save our nation.
Mark 1:14,15 "14 Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, 15 and saying, " The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."
Well done Birdwatch Zambia on GBD success!
(I took most of the bird photos below last year during our 30th wedding
anniversary at Chaminuka Nature Reserve)
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I joined Birdwatch Zambia (BWZ) last...
5 years ago
1 comment:
Can you give me a quote where Rick Warren endorses homosexuallity? I am not a big fan of him, but I know him to be against living the homosexual lifestyle.
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