What does it mean to believe IN Jesus?
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only (only begotten) Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Pitfall: “I believe in Jesus”, often said in the same way one says, “I believe in God”. What most people are actually saying is: “I believe that God exists. I am not an atheist. I also believe that God had a Son named Jesus, who died for our sins.”
Explanation: Believing that God exists is not the issue. All of humankind has been programmed by God to know that he exists (see Ecc 3:11b; Romans 1:19-20; 2:15, Psalm 19: 1-4). James 2:19 tells us that even demons believe that there is one God (See Mark 1:23-24). So belief in the existence of God is NOT sufficient for salvation. You must believe IN Jesus Christ.
To believe IN someone means that you earnestly follow every word and order your life after that person. Hebrews 11:6 says that you must not only believe that God exists, but that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. It is this diligence that captures what the "IN" is referring to. "Believe" also means "trust". When you trust in Jesus, you lean upon Him and not upon your own understanding [Proverbs 3:5-6]
"God doesn't want you to believe in Jesus the same way you believe that George Washington was the first president of the United States"
1Peter 3:18: For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.
Pitfall: “I know that Jesus died for everyone’s sins. Since I am one of those people included in the word ‘everyone’, and I acknowledge that he did die for my sins, then I am saved.”
Explanation: The verse says “for”. i.e. it is available for all people. There once was a man who put an ad in the paper that said he was giving out money from his front door. Many did not believe it was true and did not go. Many were curious, and set out for his house but were distracted along the way and didn't get there. One man went to the house and demanded the money. The owner said that you must ask, not expect or demand. So the man left. But there were a few who believed, went to the house and asked the owner for the money and they received more than they could ever imagine.
See Matthew 22:1-10;14.
"Christ died to bring you to God. Christ died to bring YOU to God. Christ died to bring YOU to God."
Romans 10:9: That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Pitfall: Just saying: “Jesus is Lord and he rose from the dead”
Explanation: This sounds like someone reporting the facts.
Look at the context of Romans 10:1-3 and Romans 10:8.
Jesus is MY Lord
Jesus is God
This passage illustrates the importance of our heart in our belief, and not just our mind.
Analogy of starting a car: A 4 year old would never be able to start a car. No matter how hard he worked at it, banging the car, running around the car, pressing buttons, it would never start. For the 4 year old to start the car, would require Dad to get the keys (and only Dad has the keys), put the keys in the ignition, put his 4 year old son’s hand on the ignition, and turn the ignition for him, with Dad’s hand on junior’s hand. So you see, no matter how badly junior wants the car to start, he can’t do it by himself. But if he asks Dad in a nice voice, Dad will gladly get the keys and start the car. So starting the car is actually very easy for the 4 year old…. All he has to do is to ask his Dad to do it for him.
"Let what you know about Jesus to affect your heart and change your life. This is what it means to be 'born again'"
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